Thursday, March 5, 2015

The Book: Dollars Want Me

Have you ever dreamed about financially free? What do I mean by financially free? I mean no longer having to worry about every single dollar that you spend and just being able to provide for your family without the struggle of working so hard day in day out!

Impossible?! I would place a bet that is what you are thinking…. However this possibility is very much within your reach! In fact it has been within every humans reach since the beginning of time!

This idea became better understood and believed in the early 1900’s with the emergence of the New Thought Movement. This movement was created by several forward thinkers and spread around the USA in the form of religious and non-religious groups. All of these groups had one main shared belief – That our lives are created through our beliefs and minds.

They were in fact the first ever self-help movement, teaching people how to alter their thoughts in order to change their lives and what happens to them…… Yes all the way back then this was a thing! The universe has always been there working for us, even though we don’t realise it!

Henry Harrison Brown was an elder statesman of the New Thought Movement and also the author of the original book “DollarsWant Me” He was a visionary of his time and influenced and helped many with his words in his books and lectures which he continued to do until his death in 1918.
Unfortunately this book lost popularity for many years and became outdated, as all things do eventually.

In the summer of 2014 I was introduced to this book by a dear friend and it struck me! Maybe it was time to revamp this amazing life changing book and bring it into the modern world to help people with their financial struggles today! Many have or are going through financial difficulties since the downturn in the economy, so what better time than to provide hope and help to those that really need it most!

As a firm believer in the law of attraction and the universe, I felt it was my calling to bring this book into the new age thought movement of today and start helping people to improve their lives the same way this wonderful book helped me!

It was then time that “Dollars Want Me: The New Millennium Edition” was born!

I felt that people in the world today needed not only a book but also help and support in order to achieve their dreams and become financially free once and for all. So I have created a website, I provide coaching, mastermind groups, and a 7 day guide which is guaranteed to kick start every members journey to financial freedom!

Positive affirmations are the basis of the Dollars Want Me program. Affirmations are small sentences that when repeated every day, will change your mind-set and help you believe, making everything possible for you in life. We believe that repeating affirmations daily will help anyone to attract what they truly want to them, instead of struggling and working day and night to get there!

We provide affirmations in our book for members to use, and also an affirmation card so that they may print affirmations and take them everywhere with them!

Members can of course write their own affirmations, here are some key points to remember when writing them:

All affirmations should be positive, remember we attract all energy to us, and if you are constantly having negative thoughts, you will attract negative things to you.

All affirmations should be written in the present, write them as if you already have the thing that you want, writing them in the future will make them unobtainable as they will always stay in the future.

Believe in every affirmation you write, feel the words and emotions as you repeat them every day.

I believe that Henry Harrison Brown was the father of positive thinking, and just as he helped people, I want to bring this new program to as many people as possible to help them to make the change in their lives that they believed to be impossible!

If you like the sound of the program, come and check it out at See you soon!

Like what you see? Don’t forget to share this blog with everyone you know.

Repeat after me: "I´m Financially Free! Dollars Want Me"   
Matthew E. Alleyne

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